
Vegetarians are smart. S-M-R-T

Oh happy day! According to a recent article published by the BBC I am so very smart because I don't eat meat. [Proven also by the fact that I have linked the BBC article to the title of this posting, so just click on it to read all about how veggies are so good!]

As I'm sure you can understand, I'm happy to finally have an inkling of proof that my little pea brain might actually function from time to time. Thank goodness I read news articles every once in a while to reassure me of such things.

So, in celebration of my brain's promotion, I would like to exercise the huge muscle-that's-not-a-muscle-but-actually-an-organ by pointing out the amusing irony of the statement made in this article by Dr Frankie Phillips. There seems to be considerable debate when it comes to determining whether high IQ is achieved by vegetarianism, or if vegetarianism is a side effect of being blessed with a high IQ. As Dr. Phillips so wisely notes, "It is like the chicken and the egg."

Soy vey, Dr. Phillips! Didn't you mean it is like the Chik'n Nugget and the Egg Substitute? Alas, Dr. Phillips must not be a vegetarian, because he did not have the proper brain function to recognize a very obvious opportunity to make a very bad joke.

Thank you, and good night.

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